So this first pic is my "DREAM" nursery. It's a pic from Babies R Us. I love the country look a lot and the colors are perfect. So that was going to be my inspiration but then.......I found all of these others! So I'm liking the stripes as you can probably tell, but I don't know how to go about it. Do I do stripes on all the walls or just one accent wall? Do I do green and pink stripes or just one color. Do I do thick or thin stripes? So many decisions.
So I think I'm leaning towards the pic on the top with thick green stripes and little pink ones right next to each other. But I also like how in the pic just below it the stripes are just on one accent wall and then there is one horizontal stripe around the rest of the room.
So here are four different rooms all of which I like. So now how do I choose? Thick,thin,pink,green,both,one wall, all walls? Let me know what you all think!